Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Its been awhile....

Sorry it's been so long since i have posted! My classes are winding down and I am preparing for my finals next weekend. Then, I can breathe! It's been a long semester, and I look forward to having a break.

Our Thanksgiving went well. I had made three new dishes to take with us: a broccoli salad, sweet potato bake and pumpkin pie. The only thing I personally loved was the broccoli salad, which I'll post the recipe soon. The sweet potato bake was too sweet for me, although I received quite a few compliments on, and the pumpkin pie recipe I used just didn't do it for me.

Mara loved the pumpkin pie, but refused to eat the sweet potato bake. This was funny to me, as it has orange juice in it, and she absolutely loves oranges. On the other hand, Analese, who hates all fruit but avocados, loved this dish! My girls are truly opposites, its hysterical.

Anyway, I will try and be back on to post soon, but please be patient with me the next few weeks as my head will be buried in my books :)


InspiredMumof2 said...

Best wishes to your finals, remember to rest too :-)

Julie B said...

Thanks, I am trying...